Saturday, June 12, 2010

PP Notes Constantine


300 CE, two kings had converted to Christianity: Osroene in Mesopotamia, and the king of Armenia.
Christians made up 20% or more of Rome’s population in parts of the Empire.

Constantine began to help with ideological conflicts and then in 321CE, made Sunday a day of rest, as was custom in the worship of Sol Invictus
In 312 CE, at the Tigris River Constantine met Maxentius and claimed victory, making him the Emperor of the West and Supreme Pontiff (fist Pope).

324 CE Constantine defeats Licinius and becomes Emperor of Rome.
Organized a conference of Bishops in 325, to resolve doctrinal issues
325 BCE made Byzantium: New Rome – today known as
Church moves away from consecration

Assimilation of paganism within the church: Christmas celebrated on Dec. 25th – birthday of Sol Invictus, pagan gods taking the faces of saints
In his 50’s Constantine was finally baptized by Eusebius (scholar and theologian) before the Emperor’s death.
Up to 400 CE
The Empire was split into thirds (Constantine’s sons)
Pagan-Christian conflicts again arise and by the tension between Jews and Christians increase
400 CE – Huns invade Armenia, Visigoths moved across the alps later joined by the Francs and other Germans – by 410 CE they held Rome
The city had not been penetrated since the Gauls 700 years earlier.
St Augustine
Authority of church split between Rome and Constantinople 451 CE
Origins of the canon:

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