Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Egypt Video 4/10


  1. the architecture was all about trial and error. its interesting how they started one structure and realized that it wouldnt work so moved onto another location with a different plan. also the little part about marriage between bloodlines and how it worked back then is very intersting.

  2. I agree with megan on the architecture; i like how the they used different methods to construct the pyramids. From having the traditional ground plan of the triangular form to a bent shaped pyramid design.
    And about the bloodlines of the dynasty families, I thought it was kinda OF TWISTED but i have heard of that happening in other parts of the world as well...interesting but weriod.

  3. I feel so bad for those poor people to had to work so hard day in and day out then the whole thing just falls to pieces. then they have to start all over again. what hard workers.

  4. I feel bad for the second Pharaoh. He had to live up to his amazing predecessor and pretty much failed. His buildings were structural fails after structural fails, but you can really see how the architecture design progresses. He goes from Imhoteps design of a step pyramid, to filling it so it looks very much like the pyramids that we commonly associate Egyptian architecture with.
